This school is dedicated to simplicity of techniques for self defense and fitness. If you are interested in a combat oriented
shool of deep tradition and old codes, please visit http://ikkanissastu.tripod.com or
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Did you know that over 90% of the population will suffer from some form of disease
resulting from an accelerated degeneration of the body's immune system? The most common are arthritis and osteoporosis. Research
has proven that the body becomes stagnant and diseased from lack of use. Many experts suggest a rigorous workout program.
Almost 95% of the population will fail at their workout program due to boredom, lack of knowledge, and lack of dedication.
It simply takes too long to get all your weight lifting in and then do your 45 minutes of cardio.
As these
obstacles mount the participant loses interest and leads a sedimentary lifestyle conducive to a short and painful life.
How can exercise prevent osteoporosis, Muscle pulling on bone builds bone, so weight-bearing exercise builds denser, stronger
bones. The more bone mass you build before age 25 or 30, the better off you will be during the years of gradual bone loss.
Exercise can also help you maintain bone density later in life.
The best exercises for building bone are weight- or load-bearing exercises. The best activity is a mixed martial arts class
where you not only use your muscles to hit something but also work against gravity getting up and down and moving your partner.
This type of activity cannot be duplicated in the gym. Other less aggressive activities include weight-lifting, jogging,
hiking, stair-climbing, step aerobics, dancing, racquet sports, and other activities that require your muscles to work against
gravity. Swimming and simply walking, although good for cardiovascular fitness, are not the best exercises for building bone.
Thirty minutes of weight-bearing exercise daily benefits not only your bones, but improves heart health, muscle strength,
coordination, and balance. Those 30 minutes don't need to be done all at once; it's just as good for you to do 10 minutes
at a time.
If you already have osteoporosis, you might wonder whether you should exercise at all. The answer for most people is YES.
You should speak to your doctor to learn what types of exercises you can safely do to preserve bone and to strengthen your
back and hips. Keep in mind, however, that exercise alone can't prevent or cure osteoporosis.
Martial arts is a great way to work out your entire body, relieve stress, and strengthen the ligaments and
tendons often missed in traditional weight lifting. Our program is geared towards streamlining methods of movement to create
a simple yet affective form of self defense. No tests, associations, hidden fees, competitions, or the politics of commercial
The eastern cultures have a long history of low heart disease and exceptionally long healthy life spans.
Why not give Tai Chi a try. Its low impact, calming, and easy. It only takes a few minutes daily and is a great group exercise.