This school was founded on one simple concept. Fitness should be fun and self defense should be
part of fitness. You shouldn't have to sign 2 year contracts and be a victim of a salesperson to have good health. You should
be able to have a viable means of self preservation without being forced to compete or to be part of an organization that
sees you as just a number next to a check. We don't belong to any associations nor do we care if you are going to test
for a belt. You don't even have to buy a uniform. No hidden costs. Just a small fee for the use of the facility. Fun and fitness
with martial arts.
We all have too much stress in our lives, too many appointments to keep, and way too little time
to get it all done in. Whether you are interested in martial arts for self defense or just a fun way to keep fit, we can satisfy your
needs. It is nearly impossible to attend any commercial school without getting involved in politics. They are in business
to make money and have to pay the bills. The way they do this is by testing the students as often as possible. Testing fees
are usually around 50-80 dollars. Along with this there are the patches and new uniforms to go with your new rank. Let's not
forget the private lessons that are needed to make it to the next level. Most schools survive off of the children. Parents
want thier kids to succeed at something so they will pay whatever is needed to get their child that belt. Then there is the
competition. Many parents get so excited as do the kids over a trophy. That's great but it's a lot of stress to win the tournement
and keep up with the class.
We see training as a way to unwind and let go of your stress rather than
create it with competition against anyone but yourself. Fun and fitness are the goal. If you are looking to fight
in the ring or seeking a school based on very serious combative training, please visit Master's School of the Endless Puzzle
the link is on our home page.
Small classes and attention to detail is our goal. We are not trying to make a fortune, just add to the
quality of life thru our passion for martial arts.
Our Service
We are dedicated to serving our customer's needs, and our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. We strive to bring you the best
in quality service, and if something isn't right, please let us know.